TR Timothée Rebours
About me Blog

Hello world

Published on January 17, 2023

cover picture

Why would I create a blog? Honestly as I’m writing this article, I’m asking myself the same question…

Why this blog?

If you know me, you know that I like to give my opinion on just about anything. I actually don’t like this character trait as I tend to draw conclusions too quickly, even without knowing too much about the topic of the discussion.

Also, my soon-to-be wife is a bit tired of my ranting about the news every evening.

The goal of this blog is to have a medium to express myself that won’t annoy her , and that will force me to make some research about the topics I cover, hopefully preventing me from being too peremptory.

What to expect?

Not much.

Basically, whenever there’s a topic I find interesting, I will try to write an article about it with as many sources as possible so that I am confident enough to publish it.

Feel free to contact me if you don’t agree with me! I’m open to changing my mind.

Why not use social media like anyone else?

I don’t think social media are the right tool for me to make this blog: the main goal of this endeavour is not so much to share my opinion, but to form it, whereas social media’s main goal are to share it.

Why not use Medium then?

For fun mainly. I am a geek, and I very much like making things myself, and I wanted to build my blog myself. It may not be as shiny, but I made it.

Honest work

How does it work?

I decided to use:

It is deployed over GitHub Pages using a GitHub Action.

This website is hosted with Github Pages, the source code is available here .