TR Timothée Rebours
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Encrypted business card

Published on January 24, 2023

cover picture

You may have already seen these reusable business cards which are not distributed, but scanned (by QRCode or NFC), and which allow the contact details to be downloaded directly (like MyEverCard).

Usually, these cards simply contain a link to a (paying) website, and the holder can update his or her contact details there. The problem is that this site holds the details of all its users in the clear, and I don’t feel like sharing mine (or paying a subscription).

The aim of this article is to make an alternative to this kind of services, but with a link pointing to a static site (the blog you’re reading), while preventing access to the data when simply browsing the website.

TLDR: I explain how I coded an encrypted business card .

How does it work?

The principle is as follows:

  1. encrypt confidential contact data locally with a secret key.
  2. store the encrypted data on a static server (such as Github Pages).
  3. generate a link to the static server containing the secret key in the URL hash.
  4. retrieve and decrypt this data client-side from the browser of the person opening the link.
  5. display the contact data and download the contact form.

In fact, I literally created my company Seald around the idea of client-side encryption in web and mobile applications.

Known limits

The most sensitive piece of data I want to protect with this project is my phone number, which is certainly already publicly accessible online given the number of sales calls I receive, so I’m not looking to fulfill any real security objectives.

In particular, the attacks I’m deliberately ignoring are:

  1. GitHub injecting code into the static site, which could then exfiltrate the data once encrypted.
  2. The connection to GitHub, which could be compromised to alter the static site’s code.
  3. My contact’s computer or browser could be compromised, which would compromise contact data and the secret key.
  4. A contact willingly or unwillingly sharing the link or secret key.


First of all, I need to encrypt the data on my PC: contactInfo.json and profilePicture.jpg which are placed in the publicToEncrypt folder of the project (which is in the .gitignore to avoid publishing it unencrypted in the code repository).

To do this, I need to :

Derive the password

Handling 32 random bytes encoded in base64 in a URL isn’t practical, so I preferred to use a password.

To derive a 32-byte key from this password, I use the scrypt derivation function and a random salt statically accessible in a file /salt.txt.

import { scrypt } from 'node:crypto'
import { promisify } from 'node:util'
import { readFile } from 'node:fs/promises'
import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'

const scryptAsync = promisify(scrypt)
const N = 1024, r = 8, p = 1
const dkLen = 32

const normalizePassword = (password: string): Buffer => Buffer.from(password.normalize('NFKC'), 'utf8')

const deriveKey = async (password: Buffer, salt: Buffer): Promise<Buffer> => scryptAsync(password, salt, dkLen, { N, r, p })

const salt = Buffer.from(await readFile('./public/salt.txt'), 'base64')
const password = normalizePassword(process.env.PASSWORD)
const key = await deriveKey(password, salt)

Encrypt a file

To encrypt a file with a given key, I use AES-GCM and a random 12-byte nonce :

import type { Cipher } from 'node:crypto'
import type { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'
import { createCipheriv, randomBytes } from 'node:crypto'

// This function is call by `encryptDir` for each file to encrypt
const encryptFile = async (data: Buffer, key: Buffer): Buffer => {
  const nonce: Buffer = randomBytes(12)
  const cipher: Cipher  = createCipheriv('aes-256-gcm', key, nonce)
  const encryptedData: Buffer = Buffer.concat([cipher.update(data),])
  const authTag: Buffer = cipher.getAuthTag()

  return Buffer.concat([nonce, encryptedData, authTag])

After running this function on profilePicture.jpg and contactInfo.json (not published on the code repository), two encrypted files are produced and added to the code repository: profilePicture.jpg.encrypted and contactInfo.json.encrypted.

Sharing the password

To share the password, I use the URL hash which is what’s after the # in a URL. Normally, this is used to automatically scroll to an anchor in the page. But the URL hash has the property of not being transmitted in the network request; it remains exclusively within the Javascript context of the page.

It is therefore possible to use this URL hash to transfer a secret in a URL to the Javascript context without the hosting server ever having access to it.

Once the page has been opened, this password can be retrieved from the page as follows:

const password = window.location.hash.substring(1) // first character is `#`


Decryption is a two-step process:

  • derive the password into the key.
  • decrypt the files with the key.

Deriving the password (bis)

To derive the password in the browser, we proceed in the same way as in our initial script, except that the standard Node.js library is not available.

We therefore use the scrypt-js library to perform the derivation, buffer to have a polyfill of Buffer in the browser, and we import the resulting key as CryptoKey from SubtleCrypto:

import { Buffer } from 'buffer'
import { scrypt } from 'scrypt-js'

const normalizePassword = (password: string): Buffer => Buffer.from(password.normalize('NFKC'), 'utf8')

const N = 1024, r = 8, p = 1
const dkLen = 32

const deriveKey = async (password:string, salt:Buffer): Promise<CryptoKey> =>
    await scrypt(normalizePassword(password), salt, N, r, p, dkLen),
    { name: 'AES-GCM' },

const salt = await (await window.fetch('/salt.txt')).text() // the salt is publicly available

const key = await deriveKey(password, Buffer.from(salt, 'base64'))

Decrypt a file

We continue the operation by decrypting encryptedContactInfo.json.encrypted and profilePicture.jpg.encrypted.

const decrypt = async (data: Uint8Array, key: CryptoKey): Promise<ArrayBuffer> => {
  const nonce = data.slice(0, 12)
  const ciphertext = data.slice(12)

  return self.crypto.subtle.decrypt(
      name: 'AES-GCM',
      iv: nonce

const encryptedContactInfo = await (await window.fetch('/encrypted/contactInfo.json.encrypted')).arrayBuffer()
const encryptedProfilePicture = await (await window.fetch('/encrypted/profilePicture.jpg.encrypted')).arrayBuffer()

const decryptedContactInfo = await decrypt(encryptedContactInfo, key)
const decryptedProfilePicture = await decrypt(encryptedProfilePicture, key)

These raw versions of the decrypted data we have in Blob form are used in the context of the webpage as follows:

import { Buffer } from 'buffer'
const contactInfo = JSON.parse(Buffer.from(decryptedContactInfo).toString('utf-8'))
// {
//   "firstName": "John",
//   "lastName": "Doe",
//   "emailAddress": "",
//   "phoneNumber": "+1 234 567 890",
//   "linkedin": "jdoe",
//   "twitter": "@DoeJ",
//   "jobTitle": "Dummy job",
//   "companyName": "Dummy company",
//   "companyLink": "",
//   "emailAddressLink": "",
//   "phoneNumberLink": "tel:+1234567890",
//   "twitterLink": "",
//   "linkedinLink": "",
//   "personalWebsiteLink": ""
// }

const blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([decryptedProfilePicture]))
// blob:

Downloading a contact file

To generate the contact file, I use the vcard-creator package, and generate it on the fly on click and download it programmatically:

import vCard from 'vcard-creator'
const card = new vCard()
const text = card
    .addName(contactInfo.lastName, contactInfo.firstName)
    .addSocial(contactInfo.twitterLink, 'Twitter', contactInfo.twitter)
    .addSocial(contactInfo.linkedinLink, 'LinkedIn', contactInfo.linkedin)
    .addPhoto(Buffer.from(decryptedProfilePicture).toString('base64'), 'JPEG')

const blob = new Blob([text], { type: 'text/vcard' })

const a = document.createElement('a') = `${contactInfo.firstName}-${contactInfo.lastName}.vcard`
a.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
a.dataset.downloadurl = ['text/vcard',, a.href].join(':') = 'none'
setTimeout(function () { URL.revokeObjectURL(a.href) }, 1500)

For the rest, the piping is done in Vue.js for ease of use, but it doesn’t matter. If you’d like to take a look at the source code, it differs slightly from the snippets above, which I’ve simplified.


I can’t give you the real password, that would be stupid (you can try brute-forcing it on this page, if you succeed, don’t hesitate to tell me ).

However, here’s a “dummy” version you can try: This dummy version uses:

Now I need to order some NFC business cards to make this project even remotely useful…

Image by Freepik, Portrait Of Black Business Man Smiling In An Office With His Arms Crossed by Flamingo Images from

This website is hosted with Github Pages, the source code is available here .