TR Timothée Rebours
About me Blog

About me

I was born in 1993 near Paris, I have always been passionate about science and technology. I'm an engineer from the École Polytechnique, and I founded my company in cybersecurity.

Areas of interest

Digital technologies

We all have a computer in our pockets, which allow us to learn anything, order anything, communicate with everybody. And we use it for watching cat videos .


I am deeply interested in understanding how things work at a fundamental level, whether it's physics (even if I'm out of my depth), chemistry, mechanics, biology, engineering...

Politics & geopolitics

When I was a kid, I apparently said I wanted to become President. I don't want that anymore, but I still have an urge to participate in the public debate. By the way, I made this entire website because I want to force myself to make some research when giving my opinion.


I present you my beloved little demon:


Job experiences

2016-presentSealdCo-founder & CEO

I founded Seald logo in 2016 with 3 other co-founders. Our mission is to help protect data on the web, and we strongly believe this can only be done through a zero-trust architecture, fine-grained encryption and if possible end-2-end encryption.
Our value proposition is to bring end-to-end encryption and other tools to developers so that they can build secure by design applications.


2012-2016École Polytechnique

École Polytechnique is among the top-ranked higher education institutions in France.
I studied generalist courses such as computer science, applied mathematics and special relativity during the first two years.
During the next two years (M1 and M2), I studied entrepreneurship-oriented courses such as law, company management, innovation and went to UC Berkeley in the Learn2Launch program.
I actually ended up creating Seald as my last year internship.

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